Does running or walking increase your chances of arthritis ?

Posted March 19, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

Pain and swelling of hips, knees, ankles, and feet and other musculoskeletal complaints among runners were comparable with those among nonrunners.

Arithritis Part 2

Posted March 15, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

An estimated 27 million Americans have some form of OA. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 2 people in the United States (US) may develop knee OA by age 85, and 1 in 4 may develop hip OA in their lifetime. Until age 50, men and women are equally affected by OA; after age 50, women are affected more than men. Over their lifetimes, 21% of overweight and 31% of obese adults are diagnosed with arthritis.

Osteoarthritis (OA) Part 1

Posted March 11, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common joint disorders, especially in adults over the age of 60. Two of the most commonly affected joints are the hip and the knee. Common symptoms are morning stiffness, where you feel like you need to get up and moving for 20 or 30 minutes before you “limber up”, creaking or popping sounds from your joint, as well as pain and swelling which is typically worse towards the end of the day.

How to make the most out of your first appointment

Posted March 8, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

What you can do before your very first appointment—and during physical therapy—to take control of that injury-related stress? First and foremost, it’s important to come prepared for physical therapy. And no, I’m not talking about dressing appropriately and arriving on time (or even better, 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment). That stuff is important, of course, but there’s one thing you can do in the days leading up to your appointment that will set you up for success.

Find out if the McKenzie Method help you or your workforce

Posted February 23, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

Can exercising make you more successful?

Posted February 18, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

"Get a good degree. Intern. Network. Perfect your resume. Practice interviewing. Network some more. Work hard. Get to work early. Stay late. Go above and beyond. Be innovative. Work even harder.

These are all common steps associated with career success. The more time you spend at work, the higher you’ll climb, right? Wrong. By now we all know the potentially life-saving benefits of exercise (decreased risk for cancer, diabetes, obesity, etc.), but the positive effects spill over into your career as well. Numerous studies have demonstrated the correlation between regular physical activity and better work performance. Get moving and these benefits could be yours."

"Back care – reducing the impact of back pain in the workplace" by Fit for Work

Posted February 14, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

"Certain groups of workers can be more susceptible to back pain than others. Care workers, for example, whose work involves a lot of lifting, twisting and driving between appointments are particularly at risk. The back care charity BackCare estimates that more than 70 percent of unpaid carers in the UK suffer from back pain, which is highly disabling in a third of cases.

Other workers at a heightened risk of back pain include:

office workers who sit at computers for long periods;
long distance drivers;
manual workers who regularly lift heavy weights, such as builders, agricultural or manufacturing workers;
those who spend long periods leaning over to provide treatments such as beauticians."

Work Performance of Employees With Depression: The Impact of Work Stressors

Posted February 10, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

"This study found that depression symptoms are related to work absences and impaired work performance, and results partly confirmed that work stressors add to this impact. Results suggest that workers with depression may benefit from care involving medical and vocational interventions."

Physical Therapy and the entire health care team helped this patient to move and to believe again!

Posted January 27, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

After losing her left leg below the knee in the Boston Marathon bombing, Adrianne Haslet thought her quality of life would be a zero. Her physical therapist and the rest of her health care team helped Adrianne to move and to believe again.

What Spells Relief for Low Back Pain Patients?

Posted January 24, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

If you’ve ever suffered from a bout of low back pain, then you know that finding relief is often any patient’s main goal. And with low back pain sending 2.5 million Americans to hospital emergency rooms every year, that’s a lot of patients seeking treatment options to relieve the pain.

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