New Year’s Resolutions: Fitness Goes Beyond Weight Loss

Posted December 14, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

In the pursuit of New Year's resolutions, particularly those centered around health and wellness, the term “fitness” often conjures images of weight loss and sculpted physiques. However, the concept of fitness extends far beyond numbers on a scale. As physical therapists and advocates for holistic well-being, we believe it's crucial to broaden our understanding of what constitutes true fitness.

New Year’s Resolutions: Informed Health & Wellness in 2024

Posted December 7, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

The start of a new year is a popular time for making changes and resolutions, often for those of us looking to shed some holiday excess after a season of indulgence and festivities. Many of us set out with the best intentions, especially when it comes to health and wellness goals. However, it can be difficult to set yourself up for success after a holiday season full of festive feasting and merriment.

Fall Prevention: Factors Influencing Fall Risk

Posted October 31, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

While improving balance is paramount in reducing fall risk, there are other factors at play. Physical therapy can help target these factors to further reduce the risk of falling.

Fall Prevention: Improving Balance

Posted October 17, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

Falls, especially among the elderly population, can have serious consequences—but thankfully, physical therapy can help reduce the risk of falling.

Fall Prevention: The Risk

Posted October 3, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

Falls among the elderly population are the most common cause of non-fatal injuries and the leading contributor to accidental deaths. The statistics reveal a pressing need for increased awareness and preventive measures to address this issue, particularly among the senior community.

The Science of Aging Part 4

Posted September 19, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

Here are some important takeaways from our exploration of the aging process.

The Science of Aging Part 3

Posted September 5, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

It’s important to stay active as we age, but it can be troublesome to know which exercises to do and how often we should be doing them.

The Science of Aging Part 2

Posted August 22, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

Understanding the intricacies of the aging process can be overwhelming, but gaining insight into its dimensions is crucial for our well-being. Let’s take a look at the scope of the problem.

The Science of Aging Part 1

Posted August 8, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

Our population is living longer than ever before, and the ideas of “aging gracefully” and “longevity” have become greater concerns. It’s normal to want to look good and stay healthy as we get older, and so it’s important that we understand the science behind aging and what we can do about it.

Preparing Your Body for Summer Part III: Slow Progression

Posted July 25, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

Learn some techniques to prepare your body for summer in Part III of this three part series.

Preparing Your Body for Summer Part II: Gradual Exposure

Posted July 11, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

Learn some techniques to prepare your body for summer in Part II of this three part series.

Preparing Your Body for Summer Part I: Practice Similar Exercises in Advance

Posted June 27, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

With summer comes a multitude of activities, from outdoor sports and gardening to beach vacations and long hikes, but engaging in these activities requires a certain level of physical fitness and stamina. If you want to participate in summer activities with ease and reduce the risk of injuries, it's crucial to prepare your body in advance. Learn some techniques to prepare your body for summer in Part I of this three part series.


Models of Clinical Reasoning

Posted June 13, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

When it comes to physical therapy, there are many different methods/systems of assessment and treatment of patients. Naturally, each method has its unique advantages and disadvantages, so it’s valuable to be familiar with multiple different thought processes.

Case Study

Posted May 30, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

Individuals experiencing pain often seek out care from multiple practitioners and try a number of conservative management techniques, but the best way to ensure their pain is treated properly and effectively is through a thorough examination. And in this case of a young woman experiencing pain around her shoulder blade, our very specific, targeted intervention was able to resolve the issue, so the client could get back to comfortably living her normal daily life.

Avoid Surgery with Physical Therapy

Posted May 16, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

While there are some circumstances where surgical intervention is appropriate, many can—and should—be treated through alternative methods like physical therapy.

How Elite PT Tackles Low Back Pain

Posted April 13, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

Low back pain is one of the most common medical conditions with roughly 80% of adults experiencing some form of low back pain in their lifetime with a high chance of recurrence. Thankfully, for a vast majority of those individuals, the pain self resolves. But for many that pain can persist and really start to negatively impact their daily lives.

The Four Stages of Rehabilitation

Posted March 14, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

While there’s no end all be all way that works for everyone when it comes to the management and treatment of pain, at Elite PT we generally focus on four stages of rehabilitation—relief, recovery, return, and performance.

Understanding Low Back Pain and Sciatica

Posted February 16, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog

When it comes to low back back—as with most ailments—understanding your condition as well as its causes are crucial to the recovery process.

What Physical Therapy Can Do For Arthritis

Posted September 26, 2022 | Health & Wellness Blog

Arthritis is a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the joints. It can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling. The hips, knees, hands, and spine are the most commonly affected joints. Arthritis is not a single disease but an umbrella term that includes a variety of different types. Some of the more common examples are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.

What is nerve pain?

Posted July 24, 2022 | Health & Wellness Blog

Nerve pain is a common symptom of many conditions, including injury and disease. Nerve pain can be mild or severe, short-term or chronic. It can affect one nerve or several at once and can vary in intensity from one person to another based on factors like overall health, activity level, genetics, and more. The good news is that there are many treatments available for the various types of nerve pain—from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to acupuncture—and you may find relief with some simple lifestyle changes too!

Do YOU know WHY you have low back pain?

Posted February 27, 2022 | Health & Wellness Blog

Is the source of your low back pain a mystery? You’re not alone: Nine out of 10 patients don't know the primary cause of their back pain. The problem is that most people seek treatment after they’ve begun exhibiting symptoms of back pain. While this may seem logical on the surface, we’re here to tell you that there’s a better way.

Questions about Value Base Health Care

Posted January 10, 2020 | Health & Wellness Blog

Value Based Health Care has been a hot topic for some time in the world of health policy, and political debates. Regardless of the thoughts on how health care should be payed for, shouldn't it be easy for medical practitioners to provide Value Based Care? 

Check out the linked video for some important questions and answers about the challenges of providing Value Based Health care. 

Recommended Treatments for Low Back Pain

Posted September 23, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

Over any 3-month period about 25% of Americans will have low back pain. It is the top cause of disability around the world.

Unfortunately, even though low back pain is common, treatment for low back pain often fails to reflect evidence-based guidelines, leading to overtreatment—including unnecessary surgery or opioid prescription.

So what are the best approaches for back pain?

In March 2018, The Lancet noted that the guidelines are evolving: now there is "less emphasis on pharmacological and surgical treatments" and greater emphasis on "self-management, physical and psychological therapies, and some form of complementary medicine."

Not all Exercises are Created Equal

Posted September 16, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

The role of "patient-specific" exercises in managing LBP is controversial. Some people believe that any exercise is good for low back pain, while others believe that the direction and type of exercise prescribed can make a difference in recovery time and pain modification. 

While general exercise is not bad at all for most conditions, there may be situations where being more specific may be a good thing. 

So why should you care about specific exercise?

Are You A Passive Patient or an Active Consumer of Healthcare?

Posted July 29, 2019 | Health & Wellness Blog

Think about the last time you made a big purchase, say $1,000 or more. Did you go out and buy the first thing you saw? Take one recommendation from somebody? Or did you research it, learn some things, compare it to other options, and select something that was right for you? Most people tend to be educated and research large purchases like cars, televisions, or the newest iphone. So why do we so often fail to do this with healthcare? By becoming more educated healthcare consumers we can go from passive patients who take the first recommendation that comes from a practitioner to an active consumer who weighs options and makes choices. Here are some questions to talk through with your practitioner the next time a healthcare decision comes up.

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