If you have never been to physical therapy before, you may be wondering what to expect and how to prepare for your first session. In this article we’ll discuss tips on what to do AFTER your appointment to make the most of your session.
Physical therapy is a form of treatment that aims to improve your function, mobility, and quality of life through exercises, manual therapy, education, and modalities. It can help you recover from injuries, surgeries, chronic conditions, and more.
After your appointment:
Your physical therapist will review your progress and outcomes with you at the end of your session. They will compare your initial and current status and discuss any changes or improvements you have made. They will also ask you how you feel and if you have any questions or feedback.
Your physical therapist will provide you with a home exercise program consisting of exercises and activities that you can do on your own at home or elsewhere. They will explain the purpose, frequency, and duration of each exercise and provide you with written or visual instructions. They will also advise you on how to monitor your symptoms, when to progress or regress your exercises, and when to contact them if you have any problems or concerns.
Your physical therapist will recommend the frequency and duration of your physical therapy sessions based on your condition, goals, and availability. They will also schedule your next appointment with you and remind you of the date, time, and location. They will also thank you for your time and effort and encourage you to keep up the good work.
We hope this series helps you prepare for your first physical therapy session. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us—we’re always happy to help.
Check out the rest of the series: