“When it comes to creating a culture of health at the workplace, Fisher-Price has been a true pioneer in Western New York,” said Lisa Shall
The longevity of the wellness program at Fisher-Price is impressive, and so is the utilization rate: 63 percent of employees hit the company gym. “When it comes to creating a culture of health at the workplace, Fisher-Price has been a true pioneer in Western New York,” said Lisa Shall, supervisor of health promotions. “Since 1992 the company has provided employees with access to the Fitness Place, a state-of-the-art facility that serves as a centerpiece of the East Aurora campus.” Other benefits are lifestyle coaching, relaxation rooms, half-day Fridays, flu shots and bicycles for breaks or lunchtime. The toymaker, a subsidiary of Mattel, partnered with Independent Health on FitWorks Prime, an online tool to track participation in wellness programs, doctor visits and more. At year-end, participants receive a financial reward based on points earned.
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